长乐市DHL国际快递 长乐市DHL国际快递操作网点/服务流程
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DHL Supply Chain 是 Deutsche Post DHL Group 的一个部门,也是全球的合同物流提供商,在其 2021 年第三方物流魔力象限 (Magic Quadrant) 中,全球的研究和咨询公司 Gartner, Inc. 将其定位为 ( 3PL),北美报告。
DHL Supply Chain 的规模和能力为其客户实现了深度集成的端到端供应链,为大量的全球公司提供了价值。在 Gartner, Inc. 的2021 年 Gartner 供应链 25强中列出的公司中,近 70 %是 DHL 供应链客户。
DHL Supply Chain 是 Gartner 在两个轴上和定位的 19 家供应链公司之一:愿景的完整性和执行能力。根据 Gartner 的说法,“对执行能力和愿景完整性的高权重标准评价很高。这些性能强大且提供全方位服务的 3PL 提供了更广泛的物流功能组合和跨越端到端供应链的典型增值服务,并且具有客户可以利用的特定行业变化。他们了解北美物流市场驱动因素、区域细微差别和客户需求,并将这种理解转化为适合当地用途并由技术支持的服务产品。拥有结构良好的战略和商业模式,以支持其区域能力和服务覆盖范围的持续扩展。客户信任并依赖 Leaders 帮助他们在美国、加拿大和墨西哥实现yiliu的物流绩效。”
长乐市DHL国际快递服务 长乐市DHL国际快递电话
“在 DHL Supply Chain,我们每天都在挑战自我,以创新、推动持续改进,并为我们的客户提供yiliu的敏捷和弹性供应链和物流平台,这些平台旨在帮助满足当今的需求并为明天的增长而努力, ” DHL 供应链北美区执行官 Scott Sureddin 说。“我们特别重视 Gartner 的这一认可,因为我们相信它体现了 DHL Supply Chain 的成功精神。连续第二次在魔力象限报告中被评为 3PL ,这证明了我们有能力进行战略性思考和出色的运营,以推动我们各个垂直领域的客户持续提高效率。”
Gartner 不认可其研究出版物中描述的任何供应商、产品或服务,也不建议技术用户仅选择那些评级或其他的供应商。Gartner 研究出版物包含 Gartner 研究组织的意见,不应被解释为事实陈述。Gartner 对本研究不承担任何明示或暗示的保证,包括对适销性或特定用途适用性的任何保证。
DHL Supply Chain 提供的工业供应链管理、仓储、运输和增值物流服务组合,将经过验证的运营与持续创新相结合,以提供始终如一的服务,同时打破限制客户增长的障碍。
DHL Supply Chain, a division of Deutsche Post DHL Group and the leading global contract logistics provider, has been positioned by Gartner, Inc the world’s leading research and advisory firm, as a Leader in its 2021 Magic Quadrant for Third-Party Logistics (3PL), North America report.
DHL Supply Chain’s scale and capabilities enable a deeply integrated end-to-end supply chain for its customers, providing value to a substantial range of leading global corporations. Nearly 70 percent of the companies listed in Gartner, Inc.’s, The Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 for 2021, are DHL Supply Chain customers.
DHL Supply Chain was one of 19 supply chain companies that Gartner evaluated and positioned across two axes: Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. According to Gartner, “Leaders rate well on the highly weighted criteria for both Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision. These strong-performing and full-service 3PLs offer a broader portfolio of logistics functions and typically value-added services that span the end-to-end supply chain, and have specific industry variations that customers can leverage. They understand North American logistics market drivers, regional nuances and customer needs, and translate that understanding into service offerings that are locally fit for purpose and supported by the use of leading technologies. Leaders have well-structured strategies and business models that support the continued expansion of their regional capabilities and service coverage. Customers trust and rely on Leaders to help them achieve top logistics performance within the U.S Canada and Mexico.”