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瑶海区FedEx快递下单取件 合肥瑶海区联邦快递服务站

Rajesh Subramaniam, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at FedEx, said, "FedEx is constantly seeking logistics solutions for its customers while also paying attention to the challenges our planet faces. By launching a 'carbon neutral' express delivery package, we are also committed to supporting the application and development of renewable energy. We believe that current innovative measures will be the benchmark for the future."

FedEx Asia Pacific President Jian Lixing said, "Our customers and global climate will benefit from FedEx's' Carbon Neutrality 'program. Reducing the impact of carbon emissions is one of FedEx's efforts to maintain environmental sustainability in Asia and globally." According to the' Carbon Neutrality 'program, FedEx will calculate the amount of carbon dioxide produced by delivering envelopes globally on an annual basis and collaborate with the non-profit organization BP Target Neutral to invest in low-carbon development or environmental protection projects to offset the amount of carbon dioxide generated during operations. These projects include: agricultural facilities in the Netherlands, the Tanzanian Southern Plateau Grassland Program to cultivate degraded grasslands into commercial forests, and the gas recovery system for landfills in Thailand.

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