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衡水市FedEx国际快递 衡水市FedEx国际快递操作中心

发布时间: 2023-12-11 10:41 更新时间: 2025-01-05 07:00

衡水市FedEx国际快递 衡水市FedEx国际快递操作中心

快递运输公司 FedEx Express Europe 和 Natuur & Milieu(自然与环境)开始合作,旨在为更可持续的运输部门铺平道路。

  FedEx Express Europe 的慈善资金将使这家荷兰非营利组织能够在未来 12 个月内交付三个子项目,旨在实现可持续的解决方案,降低道路、物流配送设施和航空的碳排放。项目包括:使中小型机队运营商能够过渡到零排放运营,在配送中心推广使用可再生能源和充电基础设施,,刺激使用合成航空燃料作为减少现代飞机排放的一种手段。


  在荷兰,货物运输占荷兰经济二氧化碳排放量的 12%。航空排放占这些排放的 45%,公路运输占额外的 21%(CBS,2019 年)。

  “我们很高兴在全球运输供应商联邦快递的支持下开展这些项目。我们的目标是,这种合作一方面将导致可持续物流解决方案变得容易获得和访问,另一方面刺激运输部门产生的二氧化碳排放量的显着减少。我们期待共同努力实现欧洲的气候目标,”自然与环境总监 Marjolein Demmers 说。

  FedEx Express 将利用其跨职能可持续发展部门的知识进行合作——增加其作为广泛的欧洲公路网络和全球货运航空公司的运营商的经验和视角。

  “我们自己的包裹取件和递送车队的电气化以及现在准备我们的设施以满足未来的需求都是联邦快递将如何在欧洲实现碳中和运营的重要组成部分。通过与 Natuur & Milieu 合作,我们很自豪能够在更广泛的范围内实现零排放解决方案中发挥作用。无论是将道路运输排放量减少到零,将能源和基础设施替换为面向未来的配送中心,还是用合成燃料革新航空,我们都在从头开始实现更可持续的物流,”联邦快递运营官大卫卡纳万说。

  联邦快递Zui近宣布了自己的目标,即到 2040 年在全球实现碳中和运营,其中包括投资超过 20 亿美元用于优化运营、可再生能源和碳封存。此次与 Natuur & Milieu 的合作补充了联邦快递提供的 1 亿美元资金,用于在美国建立耶鲁大学自然碳捕获中心——增加了一项具有加速行业解决方案潜力的欧洲合作。

  express transportation company FedEx Express Europe and Natuur & Milieu (Nature & Environment) embark on a collaboration aiming to pave the way for a more sustainable transport sector.

  Charitable funding from FedEx Express Europe will enable the Dutch non-profit to deliver three sub projects over the coming 12 months, aiming to realise sustainable solutions that drive down carbon emissions across road, logistics distribution facilities and aviation.

  Projects include: empowering small to medium fleet operators to transition to zero emissions operations, promoting use of renewable energy and charging infrastructure in distribution centres, and finally, stimulating uptake of Synthetic Aviation Fuel as a means of reducing emissions of modern aircraft.

  The transport sector has an important contribution to make in achieving the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement. The EU Green Deal has also led to specific targets for transportation included in the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.


In the Netherlands, transportation of goods is responsible for 12% of the CO2 emissions of the Dutch economy. Aviation is responsible for 45% percent of these emissions, with road transport making up an additional 21% percent (CBS, 2019).

  “We’re excited to embark on these projects with the support of global transportation provider FedEx Express. Our ambition is that this collaboration will lead to sustainable logistics solutions becoming readily available and accessible on the one hand, while stimulating a significant reduction in CO2 emissions generated by the transport sector on the other. We look forward to working together on achieving climate goals in Europe,” said Marjolein Demmers, Director of Natuur & Milieu.

  FedEx Express will lend the expertise of its cross-functional sustainability department to the collaboration – adding its experience and perspective as the operator of an extensive European road network and the world’s largest cargo airline.


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