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长阳县FedEx快递服务高效 宜昌市长阳县FedEx快递稳定可靠

发布时间: 2024-05-30 13:57 更新时间: 2025-01-20 07:00

长阳县FedEx快递服务高效 宜昌市长阳县FedEx快递稳定可靠

MISSISSAUGA, Ontario, December 28, 2017 – Canadian retailers can expect an influx of customers using gift cards in the coming weeks, according to a new survey. The second annual FedEx Holiday Recommerce Survey commissioned by FedEx Express Canada, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX), reveals that 52% of Canadians planned on giving a gift card to their friends and loved ones this holiday season.

The survey of 1,569 Canadians from November 28th to December 4th, 2017 also reveals consumer intentions during the weeks following the holidays (the recommerce season). With more than half of Canadians forecasted to give gift-cards this year, this year’s survey reveals that:

    • Three quarters of Canadians who plan to shop after the holidays (77%) say they do so to take advantage of bargains.

    • Almost a third (28%) indicated they do so in order to buy that one gift they never received during the holidays.

    • Canadians between the ages of 18-34 are more likely to shop after the holidays (59%).

    • Most Canadians (71%) who give gift cards do it so the recipient can choose what they want


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