全国服务热线 18709841751

平江县FedEx国际快递服务方式 平江县FedEx快递提供包装

发布时间: 2024-07-06 14:05 更新时间: 2025-02-01 07:00

平江县FedEx国际快递服务方式 平江县FedEx快递提供包装

Changshu International Express FedEx is a global air freightservice provider. Our homework network covers over 220 countries.FedEx international express delivery services for goods, exportsamples, personal item packages, important documents, study abroaditems, book parcels, international parcels. Our company can receivefreight forwarder discounts, and our sales staff will provide youwith better shipping routes, packaging, and cargo packagingre Customers have already packaged their goods,

The remarks are as follows:

1. The outer packaging must meet the re of thecontents themselves, such as pressure resistance, impactresistance, mold resistance, rust prevention, shock resistance, andanti-static.

2. The outer packaging must comply with "loading and unloadingmachinery" and "loading and unloading methods", such as forkliftoperation, crane operation, and manual loading and unloading.

3. The outer packaging must comply with "storage" adaptability,such as the ease of identification of marks and markings, and theadaptability of storage sites and facilities.

4. The outer packaging must comply with the adaptability of the"means of transportation", such as air and land transportation.

5. The outer packaging must meet the adaptability of "packagingoperations", such as the convenience of secondary packaging ofturnover boxes and exhibition items.

6. A single piece of overweight cargo must have a pallet foot of9cm or more (fumigation is required for most countries for woodenpackaging). For example, a single piece weighing 68KG or more musthave a pallet foot.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
  • 邮编:237000
  • 电话:18709841751
  • 联系人:聂安明
  • 手机:18709841751
  • 微信:18709841751
  • QQ:1069213106