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唐山市DHL国际快递 唐山市DHL国际快递操作中心/服务流程

更新时间:2024-10-23 07:00:00

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DHL eCommerce Solutions 是的物流公司 Deutsche Post DHL Group 的一个部门,由于消费者在过去五周内购买健康、保健、家庭办公用品,而美国一直处于由于 ,在居家令下。因此,与 2 月份的每日平均水平相比,DHL 部门的国内运输量增长了 36% 以上,跨境运输量增长了 28%。



  1. 营养品:人们非常重视保持健康,因此药物替代品、维生素,尤其是 C 和 D 可以改善免疫系统,以及为运动爱好者提供的膳食、营养补充剂和乳清蛋白很受欢迎。

  2. 健康与美容:由于 许多州的美容、美甲和理发店仍然关闭,用于、染发剂、指甲油和卸妆液、人造指甲、面膜和美容用品(包括剪刀)的护肤品和定制护肤品大幅增加和发饰。

  3. 服装:随着健身房和公共场所的关闭,许多美国人在家锻炼,运动服的销量有所增加。此外,在线服装公司已将其产品线扩展到包括非医疗级面罩和布口罩,在可预见的未来,该产品将继续受到需求。

  4. 药品:许多消费者不愿光顾实体零售店,因此每月或每季度订阅的邮购药品大幅增加,包括和药物。

  5. 家庭办公配件和用品:随着许多非必要公司适应远程工作模式和学生参加虚拟教室,墨水和碳粉、纸、笔、耳机、会议扬声器、笔记本电脑和相关配件等物品的销售激增.

  DHL eCommerce Solutions 在线服装客户 Love Your Melon近扩大了其产品线,包括布面口罩,并正在使用 DHL eCommerce Solutions 的美国网络在国内和国际上运送其新产品线。

  DHL 电子商务解决方案美洲公司执行官 Lee Spratt 表示:“我们已经看到,主要是在美国东北地区,大量货物从中国进入美国,数量百分比大幅增加。” “随着中国再次开放,我们在过去几周看到假日高峰类型的量增加,但由于公众对保持健康的兴趣,我们也看到客户的量代表了各种消费者购买趋势并担任远程员工和学生的新角色。”


  DHL 电子商务解决方案 专注于为在线零售商提供服务,在国内和国际运输轻量包裹和包裹。

唐山市DHL国际快递公司 唐山市DHL国际快递网点  

DHL eCommerce Solutions, a division of the world’s leading logistics company Deutsche Post DHL Group, has seen e-commerce volumes rise to holiday peak levels as consumers shop for health, wellness, home office supplies during the last five weeks while the United States has been under stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19. As a result, the DHL division has seen volume growth of more than 36 percent in domestic volume and 28 percent cross border volume from the daily averages seen in February.

  DHL eCommerce Solutions online apparel customer Love Your Melon recently expanded its product line to include cloth face masks and is using DHL eCommerce Solutions’ U.S. network to ship its new line of products domestically and internationally.

  “We have seen large volume percentage increases mostly in the Northeast region of the U.S. with a significant amount of volume entering the U.S. inbound from China,” said DHL eCommerce Solutions Americas CEO Lee Spratt. “We have seen holiday peak-level types of volume increases in the last few weeks as China opened once again, but we are also seeing our customers’ volumes as representative of various consumer buying trends as a result of the general public’s interest in staying healthy and taking on new roles as remote employees and students.”

  “We believe many of these e-commerce categories will continue strong into the second and third quarter as social distancing practices and precautions continue and we expect more online retailers to expand their existing online product portfolios to include personal protective equipment,” said Spratt.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
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