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Deutsche Post DHL Group 的空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 正在扩大其新服务和技术组合,以支持该公司对关键增长领域的关注,特别是在生命科学和医疗保健物流领域。新技术包括安装在其芝加哥仓库中的 RFID 无源和有源跟踪系统,这是国际 DHL 全球货运网络中的独立空运设施。此外,该公司正在为其生命科学和医疗保健客户推出新的替代温度管理进出口解决方案,这将有助于降低滞期成本和新的 DHL 智能传感器,确保在整个运输过程中监控对温度敏感的货物,
“通过将数字化和自动化作为优先事项,我们认识到我们可以为客户提供有意义的服务和生产力改进,”DHL Global Forwarding US 执行官 David Goldberg 说。“这些新服务满足了我们客户的需求,包括更好、更快地了解费率和路线,运输供应商的响应速度更快,以及他们的货物安全的知识。这对于生命科学和医疗保健等具有高度复杂和要求的行业尤其重要。”
借助新的 RFID 标签技术,芝加哥仓库将能够在无需人工扫描的情况下检测集装箱从抵达仓库到离开的整个过程。该技术主要用于机场和航空公司,于 6 月在 430,000 平方英尺的仓库中实施。
“很少有货运代理拥有这种类型的技术;与此同时,DHL Global Forwarding 正在使用它来管理其所有芝加哥仓库货物库存,”DHL Global Forwarding 芝加哥站 Gonsowski 说。“RFID 无源和有源技术将帮助我们消除人工流程,降低仓库的成本和时间,并更快地响应运输过程中的任何异常。”
为了进一步提高仓库自动化,DHL Global Forwarding 安装了新的重量和尺寸技术,使包裹能够以更快、更有效的方式处理。传统的称重和调光流程包括将货物放在秤上、打印秤单、手动将秤单贴到尺寸表上,以及使用卷尺测量长度、宽度和高度。新技术将秤集成到叉车中,并带有一个高架尺寸测量单元,该单元将数据直接发送到秤票打印机,然后将重量和尺寸打印在标签上。这每件可节省大约 15 – 20 秒,相当于每周为出口运输节省 111 小时的时间。
随着配送中的温度控制对于更多产品变得越来越重要,尤其是在生命科学和医疗保健等领域,DHL Global Forwarding 推出了更新的 DHL SmartSensor 温度数据记录器。这些传感器使用近场通信 (NFC) 技术,记录高度敏感的生命科学和医疗保健货物的运输温度数据,并为 DHL 的关键温控产品(包括 DHL Air Thermonet 和 DHL Ocean Thermonet)供电。连接的传感器记录运输过程中的环境温度条件,在 -40 至 +60 摄氏度的温度下运行。好处包括更快地上传温度数据,而无需特定的扫描仪或设备,这使得它们更具成本效益且易于使用。
“我们了解运输温控产品所带来的挑战和敏感性,”DHL 温度管理解决方案全球负责人 Patricia Cole 说。“新的 DHL SmartSensors 是提供以患者为中心的全方位解决方案并以安全及时的方式交付它们的需求的一部分。我们确保我们客户的医疗产品将得到Zui谨慎的对待,因为我们了解什么是利害攸关的——生命将得到改善,在某些情况下甚至可以挽救。”
对于将温控生命科学和医疗保健货物装运到芝加哥或从芝加哥运出的空运进出口商,DHL Global Forwarding 现在还提供更多选择,在从航空公司取回货物时使用预冷拖车。公司不必租赁高成本的温度控制设备,如果不按时归还可能导致每天数千美元的滞期费,DHL 可以通过使用其冷藏拖车来消除这些成本。DHL 整合货物并使用冷藏拖车将货物运输到其仓库或货物的Zui终目的地时,将货物保持在所需的温度。
“我们已经在各种大型制药客户中使用了这种替代温度控制方法,”Gonsowski 说。“通过我们处理温度敏感药品的广泛知识,我们遵循所有必要的良好实践,并随时监控任何温度波动的出货量。”
这些新技术和解决方案紧随 myDHLi Quote & Book 的推出,这是一项新的便捷在线服务,用于比较报价和进行即时预订,每周 7 天,每天 24 小时,空运和海运,甚至门- 送货上门。
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DHL Global Forwarding, the air and ocean freight specialist of Deutsche Post DHL Group, is expanding its portfolio of new services and technologies to support the company’s focus on key growth sectors, particularly in life sciences and healthcare logistics. Included in the new technologies is an RFID passive and active tracking system installed in its Chicago warehouse, the largest standalone airfreight facility in the international DHL Global Forwarding network. Additionally, the company is introducing new alternative temperature management import and export solutions for its life science and healthcare customers that will help to reduce demurrage costs and new DHL SmartSensors that ensure temperature-sensitive shipments are monitored throughout the transportation process,
“By making digitalization and automation a priority, we recognize that we can deliver meaningful service and productivity improvements to our customers,” said David Goldberg, CEO, DHL Global Forwarding US. “These new services meet our customers’ needs including better and quicker visibility on rates and routes, more responsiveness from their transportation providers, and the knowledge that their shipments are secure. This is particularly important to industry sectors such as life sciences and healthcare, which have highly sophisticated and specialized requirements.”
With the new RFID tag technology, the Chicago warehouse will be able to detect, without manual scanning, where a container is from the moment it arrives at the warehouse to the moment it leaves. The technology, mostly used at airports and by airlines, was implemented in June in the 430,000 square foot warehouse.
“Few freight forwarders have this type of technology in place; meanwhile, DHL Global Forwarding is using it to manage all of its Chicago warehouse cargo inventory,” said Christopher Gonsowski, Station Manager for DHL Global Forwarding, Chicago. “The RFID passive and active technology will help us eliminate manual processes, reduce costs and time in our warehouse, and respond more quickly to any exceptions in the transport process.”
To further improve warehouse automation, DHL Global Forwarding has installed new weight and dimension technology to enable a package to be processed in a faster and more efficient way. Traditional weight and dim processes involved putting cargo on a scale, printing a scale ticket, manually attaching the scale ticket to a dimension sheet, and using a tape measure to measure the length, width and height. The new technology incorporates scales into the forklifts with an overhead dimension measuring unit, which sends the data directly to the scale ticket printer where the weight and dimensions are printed on the label. This saves approximately 15 – 20 seconds per piece, equaling 111 hours per week of time savings for export shipments.
As temperature control in distribution becomes more important for more products, particularly in sectors such as life sciences and healthcare, DHL Global Forwarding is launching the newly updated DHL SmartSensor temperature data logger. Using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, the sensors log in-transit temperature data of highly sensitive life sciences and healthcare shipments and power DHL's key temperature-controlled products including DHL Air Thermonet and DHL Ocean Thermonet. The connected sensors record ambient environmental temperature conditions during shipping, functioning at temperatures between -40 and +60 degrees Celsius. Benefits include faster uploading of temperature data, without the need for specific scanners or devices, which makes them more cost effective and easy to use.
“We understand the challenges and sensitivities that come with transporting temperature-controlled products,” said Patricia Cole, Global Head of DHL Temperature Management Solutions. “The new DHL SmartSensors are part of the need to provide a holistic range of patient-centric solutions and deliver them in a safe and timely manner. We ensure that our customers’ medical products will be treated with the utmost care, as we understand what is at stake – a life that will be improved or in some cases even saved.”
For air freight importers and exporters shipping temperature controlled life sciences and healthcare cargo in active refrigerated containers to and from Chicago, DHL Global Forwarding also now offers more options with pre-cooled trailers when recovering the shipments from the airline. Instead of companies having to lease that high-cost temperature controlled equipment, which if not returned on time can result in thousands of dollars per day in demurrage costs, DHL can eliminate those costs through the use of its refrigerated trailers. DHL consolidates the cargo and uses refrigerated trailers to maintain the cargo at its required temperature while transporting it to its warehouse or the cargo’s final destination.
“We have used this alternative temperature controlled method with various large pharmaceutical customers,” said Gonsowski. “Through our extensive expertise handling temperature sensitive pharmaceutical products, we follow all necessary good distribution practices and monitor shipments at all times for any temperature excursions.”
These new technologies and solutions follow on the heels of the launch of myDHLi Quote & Book, a new convenient online service for comparing quotations and making instant bookings, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for air and ocean freight and even for door-to-door shipments.