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联邦快递公司今天宣布,Raj Subramaniam 已被任命为总裁兼运营官,自 3 月 1 日起生效。这一任命是在 David J. Bronczek 个人决定从总裁兼运营官退休并从董事会。
Subramaniam 将继续担任 FedEx Express 的总裁兼执行官,并将担任 FedEx Services 的联席总裁兼联席执行官。Subramaniam 已在 FedEx 工作超过 27 年,并在多家运营公司和国际地区担任过各种行政级别职位。他的职业生涯始于孟菲斯,随后移居香港,负责亚太地区的营销和客户服务。Subramaniam 随后接任加拿大联邦快递总裁一职,然后返回美国担任国际营销gaoji副总裁。2013 年,他被提升为 FedEx Services 的营销执行副总裁,之后于 2017 年被任命为 FedEx Corporation 的执行副总裁兼营销和传播官。
FedEx and Collect+ have rolled the service out to more than 2,300 Collect+ stores across the UK. This brings the total number of convenience locations where recipients can collect their parcels, to almost 11,500 across Europe. The service aims to increase access for all recipients outside of regular delivery and office hours, by offering a range of flexible and convenient locations where packages can be collected.
The UK is home to one of the largest e-commerce markets in the world[1], with 22.3% of all retail spend in 2019 expected to happen online, rising to 27.9% by 2023.[2] Responding to this increasing demand, the Collect+ collaboration complements FedEx’s existing portfolio of solutions for online merchants by utilising Collect+’s expansive store network.
Collect+ is the perfect retailer to help us meet the growing need for a convenient, secure pickup option in a variety of UK locations,” said Jon Stockton, Vice President, Ground Operations UK, FedEx Express. “We understand customers may not always want packages delivered to their home or office, but they do want secure, alternate delivery options, and we’re on a mission to make that happen. We are proud to work with Collect+ to make our customers’ lives easier. Collect+ also offers environmental benefits through increased fuel efficiencies for our ground fleet from smarter routes.”