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更新时间:2024-12-22 07:00:00
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宜宾市DHL国际快递服务电话 宜宾DHL快递发货费用查询

Deutsche Post DHL Group has received the 2019 Catalyst Award forits initiative to promote women in management. Catalyst, a US-basednonprofit, presented the award to Deutsche Post DHL Group CEO FrankAppel at the March 14 awards dinner in New York City.

“The Catalyst Award provides very important recognition of ourcompany’s efforts in the area of diversity and promoting women inmanagement. It’s an honor and a pleasure for me to receive thisaward today,” said Frank Appel, CEO, Deutsche Post DHL Group. “TheCatalyst Award is a great motivator for us to maintain our focusand keep making progress.”

Launching its “Women in Management” initiative in 2011, DeutschePost DHL Group began by identifying the main barriers to careerdevelopment for women managers. Based on a global survey ofmanagement-level staff and focus-group interviews, DPDHL Groupidentified four action areas: Culture & Mindset, Flexible WorkArrangements, Women’s Career Support, and Key Performance Indicator(KPI) Monitoring.

These were then used to develop comprehensiveprograms, including dedicated regional activities to promotediversity and inclusion across the Group. Since the initiative'slaunch in 2011, DPDHL Group has significantly increased the numberof women in management. Today, more than one in five positions inmiddle and upper management is held by women.


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