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苏仙区DHL国际快递网点 苏仙区DHL快递操作仓库

更新时间:2025-01-22 07:00:00
电子产品邮寄:手机 电脑 手表 内置电池配件和机器等
化妆品邮寄:囗红面膜 霜水乳液 粉底 洗护发素等
药品邮寄:常规感冒药 止疼药 消炎药 肠胃药等
联系手机: 18709841751

苏仙区DHL国际快递网点 苏仙区DHL快递操作仓库

"Our dedicated team is highly trained and experienced in handling the specific re of life science products. We have the infrastructure, technology and know-how to ensure assurance and rigorous compliance with French regulation" added Nico Schütz, CEO DHL Supply Chain France. "This strategic agreement serves as a lever to further develop our Life Sciences and Healthcare division in France and the wider  region."

Beyond the immediate impact on the French market, the partnership with Sanofi holds strategic importance for DHL, aligning with its vision for growth in the  region and leveraging its global footprint in the life sciences and healthcare sector. 


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
  • 邮编:237000
  • 电话:18709841751
  • 联系人:聂安明
  • 手机:18709841751
  • 微信:18709841751
  • QQ:1069213106