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更新时间:2025-02-01 07:00:00
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禹会区FedEx国际快递 蚌埠联邦国际快递禹会区寄件网点

位于荷兰 Veldhoven 的联邦快递供应链仓库将为欧足联工作人员、志愿者和赞助商处理超过 28,000 件制服。该地点总共将加工超过 256 吨的货物。

  超过 4,000 颗 2020 年欧洲杯用球正被运往欧洲各地的体育场,以备开赛。


  作为 FedEx Ball Kids 计划的一部分,欧洲各地 500 多名 Ball Kids 在比赛前接受了培训,该计划为年轻球迷提供了在玩乐的同时学习和发展新技能的机会。

  为了举办 UEFA EURO 2020 锦标赛,FedEx 将使用其 FedEx International Priority 和 FedEx International Economy 服务,以及用于取件和递送、仓储和现场支持人员的定制解决方案。作为世界上的清关经纪商之一,联邦快递将根据需要将其清关知识应用于全球票务交付,以及向阿塞拜疆、俄罗斯和英国场馆的其他交付。

  除了比赛的实物交付,联邦快递将继续资助社区项目。在赞助欧足联国家队和 2020 年欧洲杯锦标赛期间,联邦快递与欧足联儿童会共同资助了一项慈善计划。向罗马尼亚、爱尔兰、匈牙利和英国的四个独立非组织提供的慈善赠款帮助支持非组织与被认定为*远离就业市场的年轻人的工作。这些非组织将足球作为一种工具,在四个城市开展了“足球促进就业”计划——将体育与进入就业市场的实际支持和建议相结合。

  联邦快递继续与世界上一些*伟大的比赛合作,并在其在全球范围内提供体育赞助的悠久历史基础上再接再厉。联邦快递*近宣布赞助欧洲联赛,从 2021/22 赛季开始时开始,并延长至 2023/24 年的三个版本。该协议还包括欧洲超级杯、欧洲青年联赛决赛、欧洲联赛五人制足球决赛和欧洲电子联赛的赞助权。

  As Official Logistics Partner of the tournament, FedEx provides logistics support to 24 national teams spanning 51 matches across 11 stadiums in Europe.

  HOOFDDORP, June 9, 2021 – From kick-off on 11 June at Stadio Olimpico in Rome, Italy, until the final whistle at Wembley Stadium in London, UK, on 11 July 2021, FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and the world’s largest express transportation company, will provide specialist logistics services and support for UEFA, the teams, and fans to successfully stage and deliver the 51 UEFA EURO 2020 matches in 11 host cities across Europe.

  This UEFA European Championships tournament will be the largest in history in terms of host venues.

  “FedEx will provide the speed and accuracy needed for this multi-country tournament set-up and showcase the power of our air and road network,” David Canavan, Regional Chief Operating Officer Europe says. “The pandemic may have delayed the competition, but it has increased our enthusiasm and anticipation to connect with fans across the globe. We have been preparing for over a year to celebrate this tournament and we’re ready for kick-off.”

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