全国服务热线 18709841751

马鞍山市联邦国际快递公司 马鞍山FedEx快递服务网点

更新时间:2025-02-01 07:00:00
电子产品邮寄:手机 电脑 手表 内置电池配件和机器等
化妆品邮寄:囗红面膜 霜水乳液 粉底 洗护发素等
药品邮寄:常规感冒药 止疼药 消炎药 肠胃药等
联系手机: 18709841751

马鞍山市联邦国际快递公司 马鞍山FedEx快递服务网点



KUNSHAN FEDERAL INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS is mainly engaged ininternational express delivery business. It is the earliestsupplier of Kunshan express service and one of the best operatorsand leaders in Kunshan express industry. The company has businessaccess to more than 220 international and regional express linesall over the world. It has long accepted the lowest discount ofKunshan international express lines such as DHL, UPS, TNT, FEDEX,and EMS, Kunshan Taiwan, Kunshan Japan, Kunshan America, KunshanSoutheast Asia, Kunshan Western Europe, and Kunshan Middle Eastexpress lines. It also provides international special lineservices, international and domestic air transport services, andexport express customs declaration and inspection services, Sinceits establishment more than 10 years ago, Kunshan InternationalExpress has increased its market share in Kunshan, focusing oninternational express and air transport business.

The independentinternational express business covers Europe, America, Japan andSouth Korea, Southeast Asia, South America, the Middle East, Russiaand the Commonwealth of Independent States. The agency'sinternational express and air transport business covers more than220 countries and regions around the world. The company isdedicated to serving new and old customers with professional,efficient, fast, safe and inexpensive business philosophy! Warmlywelcome you to inquire.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
  • 邮编:237000
  • 电话:18709841751
  • 联系人:聂安明
  • 手机:18709841751
  • 微信:18709841751
  • QQ:1069213106