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和县联邦国际快递网点 马鞍山市和县FedEx快递服务电话

更新时间:2025-02-01 07:00:00
电子产品邮寄:手机 电脑 手表 内置电池配件和机器等
化妆品邮寄:囗红面膜 霜水乳液 粉底 洗护发素等
药品邮寄:常规感冒药 止疼药 消炎药 肠胃药等
联系手机: 18709841751

和县联邦国际快递网点 马鞍山市和县FedEx快递服务电话

FEDEX国际快递 联邦国际快递公司 联邦快递网络服务,fedex服务电话,联邦分公司提供苏州至全球、国际快件出口客户的货物安全是我们*关注的,我们运送的货物必须安全到达目的地。

我们的网点遍部全球,国内90多个大中城市。可上门收货,全程递送,门到门服务,专人为您设计递送渠道取向,让您以更低的成本完成更快速更高质量的商品贸易往来。我们秉承“用我的时间,做您的工作。您的利益高于一切。推崇以恪守诚信,用心服务,以质为本 的服务宗旨,致力于把客户的货物安全、快速、准确、低成本的递达目的地


Rugao Federal International Express Network is integrating and developing various special lines with the goal of providing fast, good, and stable service for global * *, which are being promoted simultaneously in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai:

1. ARAMEX Express - Nantong - Dubai, ARAMEX Express to the Middle East, this service is fast and efficient, with 3 working days for delivery from Dubai, and 3-4 working days for delivery from Iran in the Middle East, with strong customs clearance capabilities

2. SAGAWA Express - Nantong - Japan, SAGAWA Express to Japan. This service is available today in parts of Tokyo, Osaka, Japan, and can be delivered later in other regions. The price is low and the time is good. Japan declares that it is not subject to normal taxes within $50

3. HTL Express - Nantong - South Korea, HTL Express to South Korea, this service can be delivered within 2 working days across the entire territory of South Korea, and there is also a shipping express service of over 100KG, which can provide port arrival, door arrival, customs clearance, and tariff services.

4. The company's agent DHL UPS TNT FEDEX is also in the promotion process, with a discount of 30% for DHL UPS TNT FEDEX above 21KG.


  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202(注册地址)
  • 邮编:237000
  • 电话:18709841751
  • 联系人:聂安明
  • 手机:18709841751
  • 微信:18709841751
  • QQ:1069213106